statistics and a heavy heart

originally published via email to The Stream Community members

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Statistics are impersonal and cold. They tell us over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the U.S. in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number ever recorded in a 12-month period*. We hear statements like, “The increase in overdose deaths is concerning.” (Deb Houry, M.D., M.P.H., director of CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.)

But statistics and press statements don’t convey the complete emotional devastation and life-altering impact of losing a beautiful, vibrant child.

My heart is heavy this week as I think about these faceless statistics and the very real mom, dad, brother, sister, child, aunt, uncle, grandparent and friend behind each of the 81,000 humans that have been stolen by man-made substances in the last year alone.

Unfortunately, our little community (The Stream) isn’t immune to reality and in the past few months, two of our moms have lost their precious babies. I’ve wrestled deeply with sharing this because it’s traumatizing, and yet it’s truth. It’s the world we live in and I’ve vowed to always, always be honest with you, even when it’s painful.

When I received the news of these losses it took my breath away, not because I didn’t think it would happen, but because it happens and the world keeps right on going. The Amazon guy just dropped off my package, my wifi still sucks and the dogs need to get walked. Countries are still warring with each other and politicians are bickering about who-knows-what.

It’s inconceivable that these bright lights, these beautiful souls with so much potential have ceased to be and the world still spins. Our babies, soccer players, artists, math-haters, animal lovers, chore-forgetters. They are not a statistic.

I’ll keep this short because we all process in different ways and mine is to be quiet, deeply feel the fissure that’s carved its way through my heart, and then get up and fight even harder.

I know some of you are very tired, and that’s ok. I’m strong and will be here holding space for you and continuing my work to scoop up and support as many moms as possible.

If you need a community around you please visit The Stream, we’d love to scoop you up in our supportive space.

* source


Effective Family Leadership Summit


hope and healing; how my son’s substance use became trauma within me, The Work IN podcast